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Bulkley Nass

Service Area 25

Dawson Road Maintenance doing bridge maintenance on Kispiox bridge

Our new paperless systems are making an impact!

In the spirit of Earth Day, we decided to see how much impact we had made on the environment after Dawson Road Maintenance crews switched to paperless reporting in July 2020. We were pleasantly surprised to see that to date, we have saved almost 120,000 sheets of paper in our

Join us in taking a stand against bullying in our workplaces and schools.

Pink Shirt Day in Canada is about more than stopping bullying in schools. While the day has its roots with students, it has grown and expanded to be about so much more! The Dawson Group’s core values are 100 per cent in line with the values shared by Pink Shirt Day! We b

Kispiox bridge is now open to vehicles up to 30 tonnes and trailers.

Kispiox Road is now open to vehicles restricted to a gross vehicle weight of 30,000 kg (30 tonnes). Trailers are also now permitted. Traffic control activities remain with single lane alternating traffic at the Kispiox Bridge. Between 7:00 am to 7:00 pm, the openings are at

Work on Kispiox Bridge estimated to be complete by March 2.

Kispiox Road remains open to light traffic only (small vehicles under 8 tonnes, no trailers) with single lane alternating traffic at the Kispiox Bridge. Between 7:00 am to 7:00 pm, the openings are at the top of the hour for 20 min (i.e. 6:00 to 6:20) daily. Emergency vehicles

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