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Bulkley Nass

Service Area 25

Dawson Road Maintenance doing bridge maintenance on Kispiox bridge

Call us day or night to report your concerns!

Dawson Road Maintenance has a toll-free number available to you 24/7 for reporting public roadway emergencies in your area - 1.800.842.4122 . Your valuable information is passed to our field and operational staff so we can respond as quickly as possible, or plan work as needed.

New Trucks are making their way to Dawson Road Maintenance Yards.

With new trucks and equipment starting to roll out across BC, Dawson Road Maintenance is ready for winter! DRM has invested in 36 new pieces of equipment including the twelve new plow trucks (shown below), eleven new pickup trucks, eight one-ton flat decks, three anti-ice trucks

Cone Zone season has arrived. Slow down and pay attention.

Everyday tens of thousands of workers in British Columbia are depending on drivers, like you, to keep control of your vehicle in a Cone Zone. If you are driving through a roadside work zone, you have a legal responsibility to drive safely. Failure to do so can result in penaltie

DRM partnered with BVCS to help with their annual Litter-a-thon.

Dawson Road Maintenance Crews were happy to lend a hand to the Bulkley Valley Christian School (BVCS) for their Litter-a-thon initiative last week, May 6. Students in grades 7 through 12 cleaned up an almost 30 kilometre stretch on BC Highway 16 between Telkwa and Evelyn, whi

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