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Bulkley Nass

Service Area 25

Dawson Road Maintenance doing bridge maintenance on Kispiox bridge

Join us in celebrating National Indigenous Peoples Day

Over the past 100 years, Dawson Group has proudly developed strong relationships and partnerships with Indigenous communities across our province. We encourage all our employees on, Wednesday, June 21, to recognize and celebrate the history, heritage, resilience and diversity of

Gord Miller introduced as Dawson Road Maintenance’s new Vice-President of Operations

The new leader of Dawson Road Maintenance (DRM) has always had an interest in planes, trains and automobiles – basically anything the gets people from point A to point B. Gord Miller will step into the new role of Vice-President of DRM in June and is looking forward to using h

Cone Zone returns for a summer of safe driving

As you hit the road to enjoy your summer vacation plans over the next few months, please remember to drive safely and avoid distracted driving. Respect our hard working crews while they are out on our busy roadways by slowing down and adhering to the posted speed limits within a

Smithers has it all in a young, vibrant community.

Escape to Smithers. There aren’t too many communities that offer everything that Smithers does, while also being on the doorstep to several mountains, rivers, forests and lakes, just begging to be explored. If you like getting out and about in the wild – whether that’s hik

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