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Bulkley Nass

Service Area 25

Dawson Road Maintenance doing bridge maintenance on Kispiox bridge

How to Travel Safe Around Snowplows

Snowplow operators are on the road day and night, making sure everyone’s winter drive is safer. Clearing snow and laying down de-icers and winter abrasives requires the operators to reduce their speed. In order to operate safely, snowplow operators need fellow drivers to be ex

What’s included in a winter driving emergency kit?

Here’s the checklist: Emergency kit containing non-perishable food, blankets and first aid suppliesWindshield scraper and snow brushExtra windshield washer fluidSpare tire, wheel wrench and jackShovel and traction mat, sand or kitty litterFuel line antifreezeFlares and matc

Seven steps to cold weather safety

1) Listen to the weather forecast Check the Environment Canada weather forecast before going out.Listen for a wind chill warning. Warnings are based on local climate and are issued when significant wind chills are expected.Visit Environment Canada's new Weather and Meteorol

How can you prepare yourself for winter driving conditions?

Follow these 7 steps: Check the current road conditions and weather forecast. Plan your route ahead of time. Leave lots of time so you’re not rushing. Learn winter road skills. If you drive for work, ask your employer for winter driving training. Keep at least four sec

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