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Bulkley Nass

Service Area 25

Dawson Road Maintenance doing bridge maintenance on Kispiox bridge

Crews making progress in the Hannah Pass

UPDATE – DRM crews are continuing to make progress in the Hannah Pass with equipment continuing to work through the compact snow. North of the Hannah brake check crews have brought the snowbank down to almost road level. Soucie Contracting has a Cat 980 loader that is also

Reducing snowbanks south of Hannah Pass

DRM is working to reduce snowbanks on the south side of Hannah Pass and onwards towards the Meziadin Junction on Highway 37. Our crews have been working from Meziadin Junction toward the south side of the pass widening lanes with our snow blower, grader and plow trucks. We have

Work to widen Highway 37 after massive snowfalls continues

UPDATE — The work of clearing significant volumes of snowfall from Highway 37 between Meziadin Junction and Deltaic Creek continues today, and we hope to see the route widened by February 1. The extreme snowfall over the last few weeks has made the work of clearing the high

Drive for the Conditions

Snow and ice push our driving skills to the limit. Do you know how to drive properly in winter conditions? The following tips could save you from problems when you are out on the road: Maintain a safe following distance. The posted speed is the maximum speed under ideal

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