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Bulkley Nass

Service Area 25

Dawson Road Maintenance doing bridge maintenance on Kispiox bridge

Kispiox Bridge continues to be open to light traffic only with delays of up to 40 minutes.

The Kispiox Road continues to be open to light traffic only (small vehicles under 8 tonnes, no trailers), with single lane alternating traffic at the Kispiox Bridge and delays up to 40 minutes. The estimated openings are at the top of hour for 20 minutes (i.e. 5:00 to 5:20) and

Expect up to 1 hour delays at Kispiox Bridge as repairs continue.

Kispiox Road is open to light traffic only (small vehicles under 8 tonnes, no trailers), with single lane alternating traffic at the Kispiox Bridge. Specialized equipment arrived at the site yesterday and initiated beam replacement. As the work progresses during the week, we

Kispiox bridge is now open to light, single vehicles.

UPDATE — Kispiox bridge is now open to light, single vehicles (under 8 tonnes, no trailers). Please expect delays and reduced speeds, as the bridge is currently open to only one vehicle at a time. Traffic control personnel is onsite to guide travelers. Dawson Road Maintenan

Kispiox Bridge Closure Update

UPDATE — MoTI’s bridge engineer continues to assess the Kispiox Bridge after arriving at the scene early Thursday evening. The bridge was closed yesterday morning after one of our snow plow trucks clipped several of the wood bridge’s vertical support structures with a wing

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